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Act on Climate Change
From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
These short public service videos cover a range of topics related to climate change, including its causes and impacts, actions Americans can take to reduce their impact, and the benefits to the economy of addressing climate change.p>

Building a Climate-Smart Nation
From the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Americans' health, security and economic wellbeing are tied to weather and climate. They need foundational science and data to prepare for and protect themselves and their properties.

Cast of Victorious and Eco-School USA Video
From the National Wildlife Federation
National Wildlife Federation's Eco-Schools and the cast of Nickelodeon's Victorious team up to help you green up your schools.

Climate Change as Simulated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research 
From the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy
This animation depicts global surface warming as simulated by the Community Climate System Model (CCSM), version three. It shows the temperature anomalies relative to the end of the 19th century, both over the entire globe and as a global average. The model shows the temporary cooling effects during the five major volcanic eruptions of this time period and then the model's estimates of warming under the different scenarios.

Climate for Change Eco Action Team – Ridge and Valley Charter School
From the National Wildlife Federation
Ridge and Valley Charter School students explain climate change.

Con Edison
 Con Edison energetically invites teachers and students to use their electrifying new website, ConEd Kids, designed especially for grades 5-8. ConEd Kids motivates kids to explore the world of energy all around them with Con Edison’s research on energy, games, links, biographies, factoids, dictionary, energy’s history, news, and the latest facts on the environment.

Conserving the Nature of America in a Changing Climate
From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Worldwide scientific consensus tells us that climate change is real and even now is impacting our nation's ecosystems – the forests, grasslands, wetlands, and oceans that provide our air and water, and also provide food and shelter for self-sustaining fish and wildlife populations. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other resource agencies will need an informed public to help make decisions how best to respond to climate change impacts and to help find solutions.

Cool School Challenge
From the National Wildlife Federation
The Cool School Challenge is a climate education program that challenges students to shrink their school’s carbon footprint.

Energy 101
From the U.S. Department of Energy
Find short videos on a variety of energy related topics. The Department of Energy also has a general video site that can be searched for other topics and energy related talks.  http://energy.gov/videos/

Get Green TV
From Plannet Connect
Planet Connect, a component of Classroom Earth, is an online social network where high school students can learn about current environmental issues, funding opportunities, green colleges and environmental careers. Students can also share and exchange ideas about how they are playing a critical role in solving today’s environmental issues. Every year, Planet Connect hosts a series of video contests and gives away $1,000 grants to help students fix an environmental problem in their community.

Global Warming Documentary
From National Geographic
A short video (3:04) by National Geographic explains why global warming is happening so rapidly and what the consequences are of global warming.

The Health of the Ocean Matters to Me
From the Alaska SeaLife Center
See what students in the Ocean Sciences Club are saying about the ocean and what it means to them!

The National Academies
The National Academies YouTube channel is a great resource for energy and climate change short videos.

National Research Council Video Series Summarizes State of Climate Science Research
The National Research Council  summarizes what scientists have learned about global warming and climate change.  It’s difficult to pack decades of complex research into short video snippets, but the makers of these videos have done an excellent job. As you watch, keep an eye out for mentions of the key role that remote sensing has played in advancing climate science. Also, look for the numerous data visualizations produced by the Scientific Visualization Studio at Goddard Space Flight Center that made the cut.

Now’s Our Time
From the National Wildlife Federation
This video inspires Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.

Our Children’s Trust
This web site has videos of youth from around the country talking about how climate change is affecting them and their families. It also details the actions they are taking to make a difference.  

PS 57 Receives an NWF Eco-Schools USA Green Flag
From the National Wildlife Federation
PS 57 was the first school in New York City to receive the Eco-Schools USA Green Flag.

The Switch Energy Project
This is a film, web and education program to build energy awareness and efficiency, and help us move forward to a smarter energy future. They have a lot of short video clips on a wide range of energy topics that teachers may find useful and students may find interesting.

From the Montana Weatherization Training Center
This is a national weatherization training show that uses a blend of expert advice, how-to techniques, innovation, and reality TV to create entertainment-based learning. Episodes range 12-15 minutes in length and are filmed around the country by WxTV film crews and often by weatherization crews themselves, in the field, showcasing their know-how. WxTV brings together differing techniques from hot, cold, humid, and arid environments, opening a dialogue for crews to debate the best way to accomplish weatherization tasks under varying conditions. But it’s not just weatherization on WxTV’s radar; the show has expanded to cover all aspects of energy-efficient living. In just a year and a half, the show has gained a sizable following within the weatherization, renovation, and energy-efficiency industries.

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